September 13 2016 to September 15 2016

Warmth-Seeking Cat's Appliance Cohabitation

Meet Elea the Cat.  She's a bit scary looking, but she's actually really sweet.

Here's Elea on the Keurig machine.  And also on my Sunbeam "Hot Shot" water heater.  Additionally, she's on the counter, which I am pretty sure she knows is not acceptable procedure in the house.  But she has correctly determined that the Keurig is warm most of the time, so it is her buddy.

Yes, there she is, taking the cat equivalent of a union break.  All across my coffee making equipment.
This photo just demonstrates that she's also sleeping across a four-inch air gap.  How can that possibly be comfortable?

Ah, oops, the dreamer awakes.  My antics with the camera seem to have awoken her.


At first she's not exactly sure why she woke up.  Then she notices me.  The jig is up!


My amusement is taken for some kind of disapproval, or perhaps cat pride requires not being the butt of anyone's jokes.  In any case, it's time for a quick and graceful dismount, which is pretty difficult on a slick surface like the top of a Keurig machine.


"Oh yeah, nothing to see here.  Just working out at this convenient jungle gym on the counter.  My pecs are like iron."


Then the old cat begins with the Jedi mind tricks...  "It was just so warm up there, and my rheumatiz has got so bad...  You sure you want me to leave?"


"Fine.  I'm going.  Stupid human."


Cat-less coffee maker now available to make coffee again, although some additional fur may be involved.


[pictures from May 2013]
[posted September 13 2016]